Chris Wiegman Chris Wiegman

When The Ax Man Cometh – An Excellent Piece on Higher Ed Live

Seth ODell at Higher Ed Live has another excellent episode this week this time focusing on the future of web professionals at higher ed institutions. This particular episode takes a look at where we are and where we are going including topics such as downsizing, outsourcing, and more.

As a higher ed web person myself I must say that I agree with almost everything Seth and his guest, Mark Greenfield from U. Buffalo, have to say. We are in for some rough times in an environment where higher ed has been under siege for the better part of the last decade. The latest recession is just the tip of the iceberg for many institutions which have come to rely on ever smaller staff and ever smaller budgets to present their primary face to the public. I personally don’t see things getting much better and in fact I would be surprised if half of us web folks in higher ed today are still in higher ed in 10 years. Even if I’m wrong however it’s still going to be a rough ride.

Anyway, check out the video for yourself: